First name
Phone number
Business Legal Name
How Many W-2 Employees?
What`s Your Company Size*1-45- 1011- 5051-200201-500500+
Time In Business
Time In Business*0-6 Months7 Months - 1 Year1-3 Years3 Years+
Loan Type
Loan Type*ERC FundingLines of CreditInvoice FactoringUnsecured Business LoansWorking CapitalMerchant Cash AdvanceTraditional Term LoansSBA Loans
Credit Score
What`s Your Credit Score*500-550550-600600-650650-700700-750750-850I don`t Know
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Business Information
Business Trade Name
EIN/SSN For Sole Proprietorship
Organization Type
Business Phone
Alternate Business Phone
Business Fax
Business Email
Date Business Established
Current Ownership Since
Business Activity
Detailed Business Activity
Number of Employees as of January 31, 2020
Gross Revenues for the Twelve (12) Month Prior to the Date of the Disaster? January 31, 2020
Is the Applicant a Nonprofit Organization? Yes or No YESNO
Is the Applicant a Franchise? YESNO
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